Work from Arcadia

Come join Arcadia by working from our coworking space during the day! We offer an “Arcadia Subscription” which gives you access to the coworking space for daytime hours.

Arcadia Subscription


$200 / month

Access to Arcadia and a desk depending on capacity (hot-desking)


$400 / month

Your own dedicated desk in the coworking space


$100 / month

Discount for enrolled students for the hot-desking tier
We’re trying this as a closed beta.

To get access to the subscription, please fill out this form.

More about the work floors

Deepwork floor

We value work and getting stuff done.
If the main work floor is distracting you, and you just want to churn out a good work session, we have the entire basement floor dedicated to deepwork, where it’s most quiet and uninterrupted. The deepwork floor features whiteboards, earplugs, coffee chocolate, and phone lockers where you can hand in your phone and lock it for a pre-committed amount of time.


All our floors are covered by our Wi-Fi 6 with an average of ~150mbit/s and generally up to 300mbit/s.

Treadmill desk

We value health and exercise, but we also need to take a lot of video calls. Why not do both at once? As a nice extra for the house, we have treadmill desk where you can combine these if you’d like — taking a call while walking eliminates all Zoom fatigue, we promise. It’s awesome.